You have earned the right to relax, to enjoy the fruit of your labors.
You have been diligent in focusing your mind, in applying your efforts steadily and consistently.
You have mastered your craft; you have earned the respect of others; you have built a beautiful home, on a firm foundation.
And all because you were so firm in your resolve.
You sacrificed when necessary.
You carved out time in your schedule.
You studied, and took notes, and you learned from the best.
And so now, you have established a rhythm,
a fine balance between flow and discipline.
And now, you can relax your guard a bit,
and focus on the pleasures and comforts of life.
Because your mind is so well trained,
and because you are dedicated to your life’s work,
there is no danger of going astray, of losing your way.
You come back steadily to your purpose,
Even while indulging in some of the finer pleasures that life now affords you.
Of all of the luxuries of life, time is one of the most precious.
That, and an open heart, able to equally give and receive.
You are now afforded these two luxuries,
earned by unwavering trust in yourself and in life.
Make good use of these gifts, my dear.
Use your time wisely, always investing it in activities that bring you pleasure, and that are of service to others.
Give your heart, freely, but only when you feel called to do so (because you feel a resonance between your heart and another’s).
Remember that others are watching you, because they appreciate and look up to you.
By being yourself, and by investing in your own highest potential, you are also an encouragement for others to maintain your course.
You can be proud of who you are, of how far you’ve come.
You are a living example that life supports those who invest in their greatest potential.