Invest your energy wisely.
Notice the returns for each investment that you make, whether it be time, or money, or resources.
Do you feel richer afterwards?
Or do you feel let down, “robbed”, somehow?
This life is precious, each day that you have on this planet.
And for that reason, it is important to spend your energy where it matters most.
Relish your friendships, your quality time with family.
Pour yourself into your passions, and leverage what brings you joy, in order to make a contribution to the world.
Notice where you spend carelessly–
The hours that you spend in mindless activities,
The worries that you entertain without cause,
The purchases that you make for secondary reasons (to fill a void).
You are better than that.
You deserve heartfelt attention and cultivation.
Train your mind to settle, and to focus on what matters,
And let these frivolous distractions fall away.
As you learn to focus your mind, and to loosen your grip,
You will begin to appreciate all that you are, and all that you have.
Rather than fighting to acquire (and to hold on),
You will learn how to effortlessly attract what you need,
And to let go of the rest.
Appreciation is the secret magic that allows you to grow abundantly, without ever having to fight, or grasp or manipulate.
Just ground yourself, open your heart, and receive.