Creativity becomes craft when you apply yourself dilgently and consistently.
Your passion becomes a project, a beautiful work of art, which is chistled into stone, or recorded and preserved.
And you become known for the quality of your work, for its beauty and precision.
Of course, you weren’t always so elegant, and so well-established, in your trade.
You’ve been at this for a long time.
Naturally, the learning process was a long one, and you had your bumps along the way.
But perservance is your middle name, and, why?
Because you believe in what you do.
And you because you believed in your ability to learn.
And learn you did.
You learned from the best, and you mastered all of the expected techniques of your trade.
Meanwhile, you tinkered with your own ideas and visions.
You created blueprints and prototypes.
You shared them with your friends.
You never gave up:
Not on yourself, and not on your dream.
That is why you are standing here today, getting paid and recognized for what you love, making a contribution to the world.
Thank you for cultivating, and for sharing, your gift.
The world is a better place because of it.
And you are growing as a craftsman, and as a person, each and every day.
Your contribution is valuable: for your purse, for your heart, for your admirers and customers.
You make a difference, just by doing what you do, fully and consistently.
Thank you for showing up, and for doing your life’s work.