Lay down your weapons, love.
This is a safe place.
There is no need for drama here, nor competition.
Instead, let this be a time of refueling,
a time to nurture your heart and to allow your mind to rest in simple awareness.
You have fought long and hard, and many of your battles have been worthy.
But, who are you, when you are not fighting?
What is your relationship with the source inside yourself,
that sustains and nurtures you?
This is all that matters most at this time.
So, let your heart be light.
Let your mind be untroubled.
Rest in the natural state of awareness,
and let yourself drink in the waters of purity and comfort.
Soon, you will reenter the world, to fight for what is good and worthy.
For now, enter the sacred inner space, and simply rest.
That is enough.