When time flies, where does it run to?
Do not mind the passage of time now.
Instead, shed the weight of your mind,
And enter through my portal of vision.
There is much to be known, which you cannot yet grasp.
Let the knowing come when the time is right,
For there is much to integrate before that time.
Let go, first, of your habits,
For they block the door of vision,
Before you have had a chance to enter.
Let go, secondly, of your expectations,
For they would make the entryway much too narrow.
And let go, third, of your dreams,
For you must allow new ones to enter at this time.
Once your mind is clear, allow it to rest.
Any pressure will cloud your vision.
Allow your mind to become a crystal ball, through which words and images can arise.
These images are not of your own doing.
And yet, they are messages from your truest self.
Trust that.
You may rest in the vision for as long as you like.
Soak up the magic and the healing that it offers.
Then, when you are ready, bow in acknowledgement,
And walk back through the door to re-enter your life,
Seeing now with fresh eyes.
~Morgan le Fay