Mars stationed retrograde this morning, so as you can imagine, he was pretty amped up yesterday. (Last day of freedom, before being thrown in the pound for 10+ weeks!)
Here’s a little Mars story for you:
My copy of the Poet’s Oracle arrived yesterday. (I’d been anticipating its arrival since seeing that it had shipped, a few days prior.)
Unfortunately, it arrived just before I left to meet up with the first of my three students. So, I grabbed the package on the way out the door, hoping I would find a moment to open it.
I hopped on the Beltway, and got off 6 exits up the road. Stopped at the 1st of three lights, in the left-most turn lane .
Ah! An opportunity. Brief. Just enough time to wrestle open the package.
And going again, holding the cards in my left hand as I drive. Another light soon.
Why is this car to my right keeping pace with me? I ignore him.
Light number 2. The guy pulls up right beside me. Okay, fine, then. Window down. (He’s attractive, actually. Late 20s? Not a cop? I hope.)
He shouts:
“Were you drawing tarot cards as you were driving?” (Whoa!)
“No!” I respond.
“Well, that’s what it looked like you were doing.”
“That’s because I opened up a new deck at the last light.”
“Draw me a card!”
“Okay!” (drawing from the middle)
“It says, “Hold fast! Keep on sticking to what you’re doing, despite the obstacles. It’s related to Mars.”
Light changes to green.
“Whoo! I’m a Martian!” he cries.
Windows up. He speeds off, pulls ahead of me, makes it through that 3rd light before it turns red.
I sit and wait to turn left, and look deeper into the card.